What can be treated with acupuncture and integrated medicine?
Internal medicine: respiratory, digestive, ginecology , any kind of pain; dermatology, emotional distress, , estres, insomnia , side effects of cancer treatments
Also, this medicine is used to maintain health.
How do I prepare for an integrated Asian Medicine Treatment?
Use loose clothing.
Do not brush your tongue.
Bring your list of medications.
Eat within the previous two hours and don’t take recreational drugs or alcolhol.
What will happen during the treatment session?
The practitioner will ask about the reason for your visit.
She will ask questions and observations and
formulate a diagnosis and provide a custom treatment acording to your pattern or disease/ the reason for your visit.
What should I Do after the treatment?
Take your time to adjust your system at the end of the treatment.
Drink 1-2 cups of room temperature or warm water.
Try relaxing in the following hours.
Continue drinking water and nutritious liquids for the next couple of days.
The efectiveness of acupuncture and Integral Medicine is proven. Its sourced in a millenary health tradition. However, we are legally compelled to declare that we don’t cure any disease and the patient should not take this information as advice or health promises.